China Machining Services Inc

Reliable and Experienced Manufacturer of Custom Made Metal Parts

Machining 7075 China

Machining 7075 is a technique used to create various components from the aluminum alloy known as 7075. This process involves using cutting tools and abrasives to remove material from the surface of an object, resulting in precise shapes and sizes. The specific requirements for machining 7075 depend on the intended use of the component or part being produced. Machining 7075 China
One common application of machining 7075 is in the production of aircraft parts such as wing skins, fuselage panels, and other structural components. These materials are commonly used due to their strength-to-weight ratio, corrosion resistance, and ease of fabrication. Machining 7075 can also be used in the manufacture of automotive parts like bumpers, fenders, and exhaust systems. Additionally, it has been widely adopted in construction projects, where it is used to produce roofing tiles, siding, and other building materials. Machining 7075 China
The process of machining 7075 typically begins with preparing the workpiece by removing any burrs or rough edges that may interfere with the accuracy of the final product. Next, the tooling is selected based on its size relative to the workpiece, and the appropriate type of cutting fluid is applied to ensure proper lubrication. Once the tool is set up, the workpiece is brought into contact with the cutting edge, and the desired shape is achieved through controlled movement of the tool across the surface. Finally, after the machining process is complete, the finished product undergoes inspection to ensure that all defects have been removed. Machining 7075 China